Englischsprachige Publikationen

Pro­jekt „Joint­Con­Func­tion­S­et”

Mül­ler, M., Fischer, U., Bart­o­szek, G., Grill, E. & Mey­er, G. (2013). Impact of joint con­trac­tures on func­tio­n­ing and social par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in older indi­vi­du­als – deve­lo­p­ment of a stan­dard set (Joint­Con­Func­tion­S­et): stu­dy pro­to­col. BMC Ger­iatrics, 13 (18), 1–6. Pub­Med

Fischer, U., Bart­o­szek, G., Mül­ler, M., Stro­bl, R., Mey­er, G. & Grill, E. (2014). Pati­ents’ view on health-rela­ted aspects of func­tio­n­ing and disa­bi­li­ty of joint con­trac­tures: a qua­li­ta­ti­ve inter­view stu­dy based on the Inter­na­tio­nal Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Func­tio­n­ing, Disa­bi­li­ty and Health (ICF). Disa­bi­li­ty and Reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on, 36 (26), 2225–2232. Pub­Med

Fischer, U., Mül­ler, M., Stro­bl, R., Bart­o­szek, G., Mey­er, G. & Grill, E. (2016). Exami­ning Func­tio­n­ing and Con­tex­tu­al Fac­tors in Indi­vi­du­als with Joint Con­trac­tures from the Health Pro­fes­sio­nal Per­spec­ti­ve Using the ICF: An Inter­na­tio­nal Inter­net-Based Qua­li­ta­ti­ve Expert Sur­vey. Reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on Nur­sing, 41 (3), 170–178. Pub­Med

Bart­o­szek, G., Fischer, U., Cla­renau, S. C. von, Grill, E., Mau, W., Mey­er, G., Stro­bl, R., Thie­se­mann, R., Nadol­ny, S., Mül­ler, M. (2015). Deve­lo­p­ment of an Inter­na­tio­nal Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Func­tio­n­ing, Disa­bi­li­ty and Health (ICF)-based stan­dard set to descri­be the impact of joint con­trac­tures on par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of older indi­vi­du­als in ger­iatric care set­tings. Archi­ves of Geron­to­lo­gy and Ger­iatrics, 61 (1), 61–66. Pub­Med

Bart­o­szek, G., Fischer, U., Grill, E., Mül­ler, M., Nadol­ny, S. & Mey­er, G. (2015). Impact of joint con­trac­tu­re on older per­sons in a ger­iatric set­ting. Zeit­schrift für Geron­to­lo­gie und Ger­ia­trie, 48 (7), 625–632. Pub­Med

Fischer, U., Mül­ler, M., Stro­bl, R., Bart­o­szek, G., Mey­er, G. & Grill, E. (2015). Pre­va­lence of func­tio­n­ing and disa­bi­li­ty in older pati­ents with joint con­trac­tures: a cross-sec­tio­n­al stu­dy. Euro­pean Jour­nal of Phy­si­cal and Reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on Medi­ci­ne, 53 (3), 269–279. Pub­Med

Bart­o­szek, G., Fischer, U., Mül­ler, M., Stro­bl, R., Grill, E., Nadol­ny, S., Mey­er, G. (2016). Out­co­me mea­su­res in older per­sons with acqui­red joint con­trac­tures: a sys­te­ma­tic review and con­tent ana­ly­sis using the ICF (Inter­na­tio­nal Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Func­tio­n­ing, Disa­bi­li­ty and Health) as a refe­rence. BMC Ger­iatrics, 16 (1), 22. Pub­Med

Hei­se, M., Mül­ler, M., Fischer, U. & Grill, E. (2016). Qua­li­ty of life in older indi­vi­du­als with joint con­trac­tures in ger­iatric care set­tings. Qua­li­ty of Life Rese­arch, 25 (8), 2269–2281. Pub­Med

Mül­ler, M., Ober­hau­ser, C., Fischer, U., Bart­o­szek, G., Saal, S., Stro­bl, R., Mey­er, G., Grill, E. (2016). The PaAr­ti­cu­lar Sca­les — a new out­co­me mea­su­re to quan­ti­fy the impact of joint con­trac­tures on acti­vi­ties and par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in indi­vi­du­als in ger­iatric care. Deve­lo­p­ment and Rasch ana­ly­sis. Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Nur­sing Stu­dies, 59, 107–117. Pub­Med

Pro­jekt „Joint­Con­Im­pro­ve”

Mül­ler, M., Bart­o­szek, G., Beut­ner, K., Klings­hirn, H., Saal, S., Ste­phan, A.-J., Stro­bl, R., Grill, E., Mey­er, G. (2015). Deve­lo­ping and pilo­ting a mul­ti­fac­to­ri­al inter­ven­ti­on to address par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and qua­li­ty of life in nur­sing home resi­dents with joint con­trac­tures (Joint­Con­Im­pro­ve): stu­dy pro­to­col. Ger­man Medi­cal Sci­ence, 13, Doc13. Pub­Med

Saal, S., Beut­ner, K., Bogunski, J., Ober­mül­ler, K., Mül­ler, M., Grill, E., Mey­er, G. (2017). Inter­ven­ti­ons for the pre­ven­ti­on and tre­at­ment of disa­bi­li­ty due to acqui­red joint con­trac­tures in older peop­le: a sys­te­ma­tic review. Age and Age­ing; 0: 1–10; doi: 10.1093/ageing/afx026. Pub­Med

Saal, S., Mey­er, G., Beut­ner, K., Klings­hirn, H., Stro­bl, R., Grill, E., Mann, E., Köp­ke, S., Blei­j­le­vens, M., Bart­o­szek, G., Ste­phan, A.-J., Hirt, J., Mül­ler, M. (2018). Deve­lo­p­ment of a com­plex inter­ven­ti­on to impro­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of nur­sing home resi­dents with joint con­trac­tures: a mixed-method stu­dy. BMC Ger­iatrics, 18:61;
doi: 10.1186/s12877-018‑0745‑z. Pub­Med

Saal, S., Klings­hirn, H., Beut­ner, K., Stro­bl, R., Grill, E., Mül­ler, M., Mey­er, G. (2019). Impro­ved par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of older peop­le with joint con­trac­tures living in nur­sing homes: fea­si­bi­li­ty of stu­dy pro­ce­du­res in a clus­ter-ran­do­mi­sed pilot tri­al. Tri­als, 20:411; doi: 10.1186/s13063-019‑3522‑1. Tri­als

Klings­hirn, H., Mül­ler, M., Beut­ner, K., Hirt, J., Stro­bl, R., Grill, E., Mey­er, G., Saal, S. (2020). Imple­men­ta­ti­on of a com­plex inter­ven­ti­on to impro­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in older peop­le with joint con­trac­tures living in nur­sing homes: A pro­cess eva­lua­ti­on of a clus­ter-ran­do­mi­sed pilot tri­al. BMC Ger­iatrics, 20(1), 270. doi: 10.1186/s12877-020–01655‑z. BMC­Ger­iatrics

Pro­jekt „Joint­Co­nE­val”

Nguy­en, N., Thal­ham­mer, R., Beut­ner, K., Saal, S., Ser­va­ty, R., Klings­hirn, H., Icks, A., Frey­berg, K., Vom­hof, M., Mans­mann, U., Le, L., Mül­ler, M., Mey­er, G. (2019).
Effec­ti­ve­ness of a com­plex inter­ven­ti­on to impro­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and acti­vi­ties in nur­sing home resi­dents with joint con­trac­tures (Joint­Co­nE­val): stu­dy pro­to­col of a mul­ti­cent­re clus­ter-ran­do­mi­sed con­trol­led tri­al [DRKS-ID:DRKS00015185]. 
 20:305; doi: 10.1186/s13063-019‑3384‑6. Pub­Med

Nguy­en, N., Thal­ham­mer, R., Mey­er, G., Le, L., Mans­mann, U., Vom­hof, M., Skud­lik, S., Beut­ner, K., Mül­ler, M. (2023).
Effec­ti­ve­ness of an indi­vi­du­al­ly tailo­red com­plex inter­ven­ti­on to impro­ve acti­vi­ties and par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in nur­sing home resi­dents with joint con­trac­tures (Joint­Co­nE­val): a mul­ti­cent­re prag­ma­tic clus­ter-ran­do­mi­sed con­trol­led tri­al. 
BMJ Open,
13(10):e073363; doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023–073363. BMJ Open

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