Projekt „JointConFunctionSet”
Müller, M., Fischer, U., Bartoszek, G., Grill, E. & Meyer, G. (2013). Impact of joint contractures on functioning and social participation in older individuals – development of a standard set (JointConFunctionSet): study protocol. BMC Geriatrics, 13 (18), 1–6. PubMed
Fischer, U., Bartoszek, G., Müller, M., Strobl, R., Meyer, G. & Grill, E. (2014). Patients’ view on health-related aspects of functioning and disability of joint contractures: a qualitative interview study based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Disability and Rehabilitation, 36 (26), 2225–2232. PubMed
Fischer, U., Müller, M., Strobl, R., Bartoszek, G., Meyer, G. & Grill, E. (2016). Examining Functioning and Contextual Factors in Individuals with Joint Contractures from the Health Professional Perspective Using the ICF: An International Internet-Based Qualitative Expert Survey. Rehabilitation Nursing, 41 (3), 170–178. PubMed
Bartoszek, G., Fischer, U., Clarenau, S. C. von, Grill, E., Mau, W., Meyer, G., Strobl, R., Thiesemann, R., Nadolny, S., Müller, M. (2015). Development of an International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)-based standard set to describe the impact of joint contractures on participation of older individuals in geriatric care settings. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 61 (1), 61–66. PubMed
Bartoszek, G., Fischer, U., Grill, E., Müller, M., Nadolny, S. & Meyer, G. (2015). Impact of joint contracture on older persons in a geriatric setting. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 48 (7), 625–632. PubMed
Fischer, U., Müller, M., Strobl, R., Bartoszek, G., Meyer, G. & Grill, E. (2015). Prevalence of functioning and disability in older patients with joint contractures: a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 53 (3), 269–279. PubMed
Bartoszek, G., Fischer, U., Müller, M., Strobl, R., Grill, E., Nadolny, S., Meyer, G. (2016). Outcome measures in older persons with acquired joint contractures: a systematic review and content analysis using the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) as a reference. BMC Geriatrics, 16 (1), 22. PubMed
Heise, M., Müller, M., Fischer, U. & Grill, E. (2016). Quality of life in older individuals with joint contractures in geriatric care settings. Quality of Life Research, 25 (8), 2269–2281. PubMed
Müller, M., Oberhauser, C., Fischer, U., Bartoszek, G., Saal, S., Strobl, R., Meyer, G., Grill, E. (2016). The PaArticular Scales — a new outcome measure to quantify the impact of joint contractures on activities and participation in individuals in geriatric care. Development and Rasch analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 59, 107–117. PubMed
Projekt „JointConImprove”
Müller, M., Bartoszek, G., Beutner, K., Klingshirn, H., Saal, S., Stephan, A.-J., Strobl, R., Grill, E., Meyer, G. (2015). Developing and piloting a multifactorial intervention to address participation and quality of life in nursing home residents with joint contractures (JointConImprove): study protocol. German Medical Science, 13, Doc13. PubMed
Saal, S., Beutner, K., Bogunski, J., Obermüller, K., Müller, M., Grill, E., Meyer, G. (2017). Interventions for the prevention and treatment of disability due to acquired joint contractures in older people: a systematic review. Age and Ageing; 0: 1–10; doi: 10.1093/ageing/afx026. PubMed
Saal, S., Meyer, G., Beutner, K., Klingshirn, H., Strobl, R., Grill, E., Mann, E., Köpke, S., Bleijlevens, M., Bartoszek, G., Stephan, A.-J., Hirt, J., Müller, M. (2018). Development of a complex intervention to improve participation of nursing home residents with joint contractures: a mixed-method study. BMC Geriatrics, 18:61;
doi: 10.1186/s12877-018‑0745‑z. PubMed
Saal, S., Klingshirn, H., Beutner, K., Strobl, R., Grill, E., Müller, M., Meyer, G. (2019). Improved participation of older people with joint contractures living in nursing homes: feasibility of study procedures in a cluster-randomised pilot trial. Trials, 20:411; doi: 10.1186/s13063-019‑3522‑1. Trials
Klingshirn, H., Müller, M., Beutner, K., Hirt, J., Strobl, R., Grill, E., Meyer, G., Saal, S. (2020). Implementation of a complex intervention to improve participation in older people with joint contractures living in nursing homes: A process evaluation of a cluster-randomised pilot trial. BMC Geriatrics, 20(1), 270. doi: 10.1186/s12877-020–01655‑z. BMCGeriatrics
Projekt „JointConEval”
Nguyen, N., Thalhammer, R., Beutner, K., Saal, S., Servaty, R., Klingshirn, H., Icks, A., Freyberg, K., Vomhof, M., Mansmann, U., Le, L., Müller, M., Meyer, G. (2019).
Effectiveness of a complex intervention to improve participation and activities in nursing home residents with joint contractures (JointConEval): study protocol of a multicentre cluster-randomised controlled trial [DRKS-ID:DRKS00015185].
Trials, 20:305; doi: 10.1186/s13063-019‑3384‑6. PubMed
Nguyen, N., Thalhammer, R., Meyer, G., Le, L., Mansmann, U., Vomhof, M., Skudlik, S., Beutner, K., Müller, M. (2023).
Effectiveness of an individually tailored complex intervention to improve activities and participation in nursing home residents with joint contractures (JointConEval): a multicentre pragmatic cluster-randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open, 13(10):e073363; doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023–073363. BMJ Open